Haiku Kazu: Kazoo School's community art and poetry project

Haiku Kazu: Kazoo School’s community art and poetry project


This haiku project sprung from the desire to bring the Kazoo School community together to create and share creative writing, art, and our experiences of nature and our surroundings. Kim Shaw, Kazoo School’s art teacher and Dr. Melanie Crow, Kazoo’s middle school Humanities teacher, began this project fairly soon after schools closed in anticipation of the spread of COVID-19 , and it became a special way to connect at a strange time. During the month of April, National Poetry Month, we (gratefully) received submissions from students and from the Kazoo community. We appreciate all the wonderful work submitted and posted here and hope you enjoy it and are able to see the living, vibrant worlds of our wonderful community. 

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Alyson Cameron